heeeeeeeeeeere’s johnny!


Yes indeed, this is the “DOH!” face I make after realizing I haven’t blogged in what seems like eons (but is, in fact, something like three months).

I’ve been back in New York for a good three weeks now, busy with starting up school, already neglecting my reading, holding down a legit internship, and trying to enjoy the last shreds of sunshine that the summer hath bequeathed me. I still haven’t moved all of my boxes out of my storage unit, that’s how busy I’ve been. Also, we’re having a bit of an Internet crisis in my room, which means that we’ve become a tag team of Wireless Pirates who are very adept at stealing your internetz (thank you, linksys, for always being there when I need you), but that also means that there are many times when we’re without the joys of the World Wide Web.

I should be back in full blogging swing by next week, which is EXCITING as I’ve got a great slew of posts planned. So stay tuned, and I shall not let you down when you’re in need of a fawning ode to Ernest Hemingway’s drinks of choice, diatribes on Chuck Bass’ sartorial choices, and random YouTube links to peruse instead of actually being productive.

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